Sunday, October 10, 2021

Movie review

 Frankenstein Film Review


                                                     Marry Shelley Was born Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin in Somers Town, London, in 1797. She was the second child of the feminist philosopher, educator ,and writer Mary Wollstonecraft and the first child of the philosopher, novelist and journalist William Godwin. In December 1801 he married Mary Jane Clairmont, a well educated women with two young children of get own Charles and Claire. she died 1 febuary1851,chester square,London,United kingdom. 


               1970s,Shelly was know mainly for her efforts to publish her husband’s works and for her novel Fannkenstein,which remains widely read and has inspired many theatrical and film adaptations. Recent scholarships has yielded a more comprehensive view of Shelley’s achievements. 

Shelley written historical novels:

History of a six weeks Tour (1817)

Frankenstein; or The Modern Prometheus (1818)



Perkin Warbeck (1830)

The apocalyptic novel The Last Man (1826)

Her final two novels:



The travel book :

Rambles in Germany and Italy(1837)

The biographical articles for Dionysius Lardner’s Cabinet Cyclopedia(1829-1846)

Collections of Mary Shelley’s papers are housed in Lord Abinger’s Shelley collection on deposit at the Bodleian Library ,the New York Public Library the Huntington library, the British Library and in the john Murray collection. 


About film:

              Frankenstein novel and movie characters written and play by film and novel. Novel and Film begging is same way.

In film is very widely and many scenes are wide in the movie. Main character in the film.

The monster

Victor Frankenstein 

Captain Walton

Dr.Hennry Clerval

Elizabeth Lavenza


Major Characters

Alphonse Frankenstein (victor father)  Caroline Beaufort (victor mother )


Justine Moritz

The de Lacey family

Robert Walton

Margaret Saville

                       Movie Benning a Robert Walton a ship captain and ship to travel north. Robert rescue victor Frankenstein. Victor tell the story his life and creatures. The Benning part and place north pool. Victor tell his story about his life .he start childhood life. He lives with family Geneva Switzerland and childhood meet to Elizabeth. Elizabeth adopted Victor family.

Victor mother is death because birth a baby. Victor effected his mother death. He study form Ingolstadt University. He decided to create a man after a death like a god. He feel a like a god . he create a human being and his scenes in the film a very horrible and wild. This scenes is important part a movie. He creates a one creature but is not look like a god .he is ugly look and his not accept his experiment and after experiment he was very tired. Victor returned home Geneva And creatures live with family de lacey family. But his not accept creature. Creature find Victor and creature a made a monster because not accept his masters and society.

Monster kill victor brother William and revenge victor. Victor to meet monster isolated land .

Victor: you kill my brother?

Monster: yes

Victor: you kill me?

Monster: No

Monster demand  a women live with and love for me. Victor returned home he marry with Elizabeth and his father death .Elizabeth and victor first night creature kill Elizabeth. Victor created woman creature but his a death. Ending part of his film north pool and victor is death. Monster is a death. End the film. Many scenes not a like and horrible. In film unfair and misbehave creatures. Creature force to make a monster by people  and society. Movie a man monster a victor but in film monster a creature .creature a innocent Child but society misbehave a coward monster.

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