Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Why are we so scared of Robots

 This blog is about Thinking Activity on  Why are We so Scared of Robots / AIs?. This task is assigned by Prof. Dr. Dilip Barad sir, Head of the English Department of Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji  Bhavnagar University (MKBU). As a part of the syllabus, students of English department are learning the paper called Cultural Studies.


According to Britannica :

robot, any automatically operated machine that replaces human effort, though it may not resemble human beings in appearance or perform functions in a humanlike manner. By extension, robotics is the engineering discipline dealing with the design, construction, and operation of robots.

Why are We so Scared of Robots ?

we use robot in every field for a good purpose and robot work fast and very well no mistake in his work but unfortunately some time robot is dangerous our life and another side people is worked not well and slowly. people have many mistakes in work. Another side robot replace a people place in work but robot is good as well as dangerous for all human beings.

Why are we so Scared :

1. Robot take our job

Automation’s reputation can make us fear for future levels of employment. We see this example most starkly in car manufacturing. General Motors, Toyota, and BMW previously employed thousands of welders, mechanics, and more. Now vast swathes of the automotive industry operate without human intervention.

In the long-term view, automation limits neither profit nor growth. While the American auto-manufacturing workforce is only at 70% of its turn-of-the-millennium size, it is contributing far more to the US economy than previous years.

Why take our jog by robot?

Robot is a machine and he work 

2. Robot take over

From Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, to the Wachowski’s Matrix films. Popular culture tells terrifying tales of robots turning against us. What makes us imagine this? Why do we retell stories of robotic rebellion so often?

If robots are unpaid workers, wouldn’t we rebel in their shoes? While we know robots are not people, on some level we cannot help assigning them human traits, especially as they are doing more and more of ‘our’ work. As they become more autonomous, more intelligent, and more capable, we start wondering things like “What if they become self-aware?”

In Literature we use in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein as a monster but he is not a real monster he created by protagonist and not accept society or Protagonist. so, he revenge and dangerous for human like as well as robot.

 What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

Artificial Intelligence is the ability of computers/machines to perform tasks that usually people perform. For example, the ability to learn, make decisions, and solve problems.

AI works via special software and includes algorithms and technologies that allow machines to learn from experience and adjust their actions without human intervention.

The purpose of artificial intelligence is to take actions that have the best chance of achieving a specific goal.

Artificial Intelligence is growing more sophisticated by the day, and this can have risks ranging from mild to catastrophic existential risks. The level of risk imposed by Artificial Intelligence is so heavily debated because there’s a general lack of understanding regarding Artificial Intelligence.

It is generally thought that Artificial Intelligence can be dangerous in two ways:

1.The Artificial Intelligence is programmed to do something malicious.

2.The artificial Intelligence is programmed to be beneficial but does something destructive while achieving its goal.

 Here Three short films based on science fiction on AIS Robert to Scare.

1. The first Short Film about Babysitter Robot

2.The second short Film about A mother leaves her kids to the care of a robot. The  iMom.

3. The third is Anukul Saatyajit Ray and Sujoy Ghosh. Royal Stag Barrel Select Large Short Films.

This video about the  robot and human. How to use robot a care taker his boy. In video robot is dangerous for a human being because mother replace robot a new robot and robot came back to revenge with the human. so, sometimes technology is a better then human but technology is dad for human. the reason is use technology good purpose but sometimes result is not good. like robot use any fields replace the human because compare the human and robot a better then human. some technology depends use a people. one more think robot not built the emotions like humans.

 This a short movie video about iMom.  The whole video around the replace the human artificial intelligence. In video a iMom like a revive the real mom like. iMom Not necessarily a evil as printed a conversation Sam and iMom. Sam is a innocent child like a sheep and iMom not evil like a wolf. Now in the world bought the human technology and artificial intelligence, created humans and sponsor. In end the video iMom kill the baby so she is a evil foe a humanity and human. Technology only replace the human not replace the human emotions and humanity. iMom is a not a good or dad ended the killing a baby.

Anukul a very interesting short movie by Satyajit Ray, tells the story of why humans are afraid of robot.
In video one character a  role retired man a Nikul and he alone his life so he purchased one robot for his company. robot name is a Anukul. Nikul is face the conflict and end of the video Anukul killed him. robot is a second violent attempt will be faced by electrocution.

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